exhibitions > 1.22.11 - 3.6.11

Visceral Logic
1.22.11 - 3.6.11
opening reception January 22, 6-9 pm
Visceral Logic
1.22.11 - 3.6.11
opening reception January 22, 6-9 pm

SUGAR is honored to present
Erika Keck
(Genevieve White and Zefrey Throwell)

Visceral Logic combines traditional mediums with untraditional practices. Combining the artworks of Erika Keck and the performance of artist Genevieve White and Zefrey Throwell (THROWHITE) this exhibition displays the stretching of boundaries (and lack thereof) with materials and social interactions. Through beauty, strength, and the act of simple play, intellectual visceral expression meets stoic vulnerability, like mating physics with poetry.

Joe Heap Nelson interviews Erika Keck

Cotton and Penny, courtesy of Erika Keck.